Chancellor in danger Merkel could now try to convince the Social Democratic Party, which has been the junior coalition partner in her government since 2013, to return to th...
The 60-year-old has lived in Longgang township in western Yancheng since childhood and his village, he recalled, used to be "beautiful and green." But that had changed when the factory opened eight years ago, he said. "Everyone here knows how much ...
受教育部国际合作与交流司委托,教育部留学服务中心承办的2014年出国留学行前培训会正在全国如火如荼地开展。教育部留学服务中心合作伙伴北京德威保安服务有限公司提示大家,留学在外应时刻提高警惕。 如何识别恐怖嫌疑人? 实施恐怖袭击的嫌疑人脸上不会贴有标记,但是会...
BOB DOUGHTY: The broken windows theory represented a very different way to look at policing methods at a time when, in many cities, crime seemed out of control. John DeCarl...
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